Monday, September 24, 2012

The Proof That We're Soulmate

There are people
In the world
How many could I have met?
No more that 4%
Divide that by 2
To get just the ladies
 Then multiply bu 0.08
For age
And take out the 88%
 Who don't speak English well
Which leaves 1.340.000
 Total Women whom I could have met,
Talked to and fallen in love with
But there is so much more to You!
 Only 3% could keep Me laughing
Only 6% could love a huge geek
Like this one making this
Only 1% Could bring total
Joy to my life
 Wait a minute
That equals 0.48 total women
On earth as perfect as you
Your perfection is a statistical impossibility
And You have made
This very logical man
To admit that
They must
And You are the only
Evidence I'll ever need

**Taken from a video from "The Proof That We're Soulmate"

Sunday, September 23, 2012


kamu tak perlu harus terlalu percaya 
Pada apa yang harus kamu percaya."

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lenka - Everything's Ok

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this heaviness
I feel I just need someone to say, everything's okay

Woke my weary head
Crawled out of my bed
And I said, "Oh, how do I go on?"
Nothing's going right, shadow's took the light
And I said, "Oh, how do I go on?"

Sometimes I need a little sunshine
And sometimes I need you

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this messy life I made for myself
Heaven knows I need a little

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say, everything's okay

I gave my hope to you
When you were nearly through
And you said, "Oh, I can't go on"
Well, now I need it back
'Cause I have got a lack of all that's good
And I can't go on

Yeah, sometimes I just need a little sunshine
And sometimes I need you

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this messy life I made for myself
Heaven knows I need a little

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say, everything's okay

(Everything's okay, everything's okay)
Sometimes I need a little sunshine
And sometimes I need you

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this messy life I made for myself
Heaven knows I need a little

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this messy life I made for myself
Heaven knows I need a little

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say, everything's okay

**When I get down, I just keep singing this song all day along.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bukan Tiba-tiba

Mau pintar menjahit.


ssstt.. picture taken from google.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Saya Menyebutnya Imajinasi

Pernakah kamu membayangkan sedang menikmati senja di tempat tertinggi sambil memandang awan yang berwarna-warni serta langit yang telah bertaburan bintang?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hamaltul Hubbah Fil Qalbi (Saya Membawa Cinta Di Hati Saya)

Thanks to Ust. Asrar, Guru Bahasa Arab saya, sudah memperlihatkan video ini. I love this song and they're awesome kids! >O< *cubit pipinya satu-satu*

You Tube dan 3 Video Masa Lalu

1. TWEENIES. Tontonan wajib waktu SD kalo masuk siang nih :D

2. RUGRATS. Sebelum ada Shaun The Sheep...

3. NINJA HATORI. Film kartun favorit! d(^^)b

Saturday, September 1, 2012

A New Semester

And here we go, we'll start from beginning again. So say hi to Semester 5!
Meskipun semester 4 yang lalu agak nyeleneh-nyeleneh gimana gitu, tapi hasilnya lumayan bisa naikin IPK. Apa? IP? Oh, internet protocol ya? hahahhahaha
Jangan nanyain ip! Saya sudah cukup shock dua nilai mata kuliah telat keluar dan bikin ip jadi "keliatan" jeblok. Ouch~ Tapi Alhamdulillah semester ini bebas dari rantai Karbon. Yah you know what I mean well.
Well, I'm not satisfied enough. Masih banyak yang harus dikejar. Kuliah bukan cuma tentang ip, ipk, absen, dan rantai karbon *eh*, but this is about what you get and what you give.

ps: saya selalu mengira saya sudah semester 6. Oh my.. How old I am >.<